My Favourite Illusions: Close Up - Cup and Ball

Today is Sunday the 12th of November, Remembrance Sunday. As a country we pause and reflect on the horrors of war, remember those who have sacrificed so much for all of us, and make a simple pledge; Never Again. I wanted to take just a moment to thank every person who has served so that I can enjoy the freedoms I do.  Thank you.

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Paul ReganComment
Creative Outlets

Magicians are a fun breed. Whilst thinking about it the other day, I realised that a lot of my friends who perform magic are amazingly creative in ways other than the tricks and illusions they are known for. I thought that this might be an interesting thing to talk about today, letting you know a bit about what they do to express themselves other than messing with the minds of Muggles.

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Paul ReganComment
What Im Trying To Say Is...

I’ve sat down to write this blog and had intended to make it all about the nature of truth and trust (yes, seriously). But two sentences in and on the TV a program called Discovering Groucho Marx has started, and that’s me done.

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Paul ReganComment
Pots of Human Filth

A lot has been said in the past about medium events, and before you roll your eyes at anther soulless, sceptical magician claiming there is nothing more than is dreamed of in his philosophy, I’m not here to say whether or not people can commune with the dead. 

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Paul ReganComment
You Don't Need a Wand to do Magic!

I’m 38. I only really started pursuing magic as a profession recently. I’ve had nothing but support from friends, family and colleagues. It’s exciting for me to be walking this path, creating and performing magic and actually getting paid to do so.

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Paul ReganComment
Another Point of View

I love performing to people. Love it. Like many magicians I actually struggle in social situations, and so magic is my crutch, my machete to help me hack my way through loud, scary crowds.

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Paul ReganComment
The Best Magician You've Ever Seen

“You’re the best magician I’ve ever seen!”

I love it when I hear that. It’s a fantastic compliment and quite often a much needed shot of adrenalin to the ego. When someone pays you that kind of compliment it’s hard to know what to do that doesn’t involve you just looking smug. It is, however, very important to remember that when someone says that, there is one very important caveat they are probably leaving out. Really that compliment should be:

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Paul ReganComment
For Weddings, not a Funeral

Turning down gigs is an odd thing to do, but now and then I’ve been known to. It happened to me just the other day. It was a wedding I had been asked to cover. It was short notice but not bad money and so I was tempted as I had no other gigs that day. But I turned it down. Why? Why would I do that? Simply put to me it would have been just another gig, but to the couple getting married it was probably one of the most important days of their life. I didn't think that that would be fair.

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Magical Streets

This morning I am writing my blog from the luxurious Premier Inn Crew Central. I’m in the area visiting my uncle, who today turns 70. Sadly, I can’t stay for the festivities that will be happening tonight as I have a gig at the d20 Cafe later, and so must be on the 12:37 train to Watford Junction. However, I did get to spend some time yesterday with my family, including my uncle, what was all very lovely.

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Gods Walk (And Roll) Amongst Us

Warning: This blog contains strong language

On Friday night I was lucky enough to see the Doug Anthony Allstars – DAAS as they are abbreviated - live at the Shepherds Bush Empire. When people say they were ‘lucky’ to see an act, they usually mean that they managed to hit the refresh button at just the right moment and sniped some tickets before they all sold out. But when I’m talking about having seen DAAS I’m talking about Tim Ferguson, one of the members, who has multiple sclerosis.

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Why Lego?

We love Lego. All of us. It’s amazingly popular. There are 400 BILLION Lego blocks in existence. That’s 62 for every person alive. Or rather there were. This impressively large number is ten years old. I have no idea how many blocks there are now, but its going to be a lot.

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