A Busy Week

This has been a busy week for me. Papa Regan had to go into hospital. I’m not going to go into it for two reasons. Firstly, we’re a very private family, and secondly, my little sister pretty much live blogged the whole thing over on Facebook anyway. Suffice it to say that he’s now fine and back at home.

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Why Won't You Like Me?

I was at a gig a fortnight ago, doing my usual thing - blowing minds, breaking hearts* - standard fare. At one point I heard someone introduced as “a virgin to magicians”. Wonderful, I declared! Let me show you my best stuff! I must admit that my excitement meant it took me an extra second to notice as she recoiled from my fan of cards. I looked confusedly at the chap who had introduced her and asked “a virgin? A magic virgin?” It turns out that no, she was ALLERGIC to magicians.

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Just Kidding!

It’s Easter Sunday, and so before I go any further please do let me wish you a very Happy Easter! Considering the weather we’ve recently been experiencing I wonder what people up and down the country are going to be doing as the usual pursuits of lawn mowing and car washing are clearly off the table. Still, I hope you’re having a peaceful and loving time.

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My Favourite Illusions: Close Up - Sponge Balls

Toys “Я” Us have gone into administration. As a child I spent many happy hours wandering around the cavernous store near Brent Cross in North West London, wondering how to spend my precious birthday or Christmas money. Thus it was with a twinge of regret that I recently stepped into my local shop, enticed by 40% off signs and the need to buy a birthday present for a 3 year old. (It took every ounce of willpower not to blow my bank balance on reduced Lego sets!) 

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Paul ReganComment
Tools of the Trade

A few weeks ago I mentioned nail clipper, and how they are important to me as a jobbing magician. This got me thinking about other vital ‘tools of the trade’; what are the things magicians couldn’t really do without?  So I had a further ponder and spoke to a few magician friends, and thought I would do a short list of must have items.

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Magic is for Girls

The 8th of March was and is International Women’s Day. It’s a day designed to mark the launch of a yearlong campaign and part of the long term goal of helping bring about gender parity. This year I chose to highlight female magicians, mostly on twitter. Some I know, some I’m just a fan of, but each of them has one thing in common: They are working in an industry massively dominated by men. I've written a little on this subject before, but this is a little more involved.

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Making Things Hard For Myself

Last year I wrote about a routine Paul Daniels used to perform. In that blog entry I mentioned the Cups and Balls. I mention this because last night I was a little stuck for inspiration for today’s piece, and so the idea ‘hardest trick you’ve ever had to learn’ was mooted. Well, the Cups and Balls probably isn’t the very hardest routine I’ve ever had to learn, but the version I put together created some unique challenges I thought you might find interesting.

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Keep it Clean

Today I thought I’d tell you about the single, most important piece of my kit. I think every magician should have and use one, or at least something similar. For me it’s vital I don’t do any gig without them. Here it is:

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Friends are Magicial

‘I don’t like hanging out with other magicians’. I’ve heard this a few times. In interviews, from working pros, when hanging out with people hanging out with other magicians… and I find it weird.

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Countdown to Blackpool

Next week is the Blackpool Magic Convention. It’s the biggest annual magic convention in the world. The fact that it happens at Blackpool in the middle of February makes me far happier than I can ever really express

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