Magic on the Fly

I quite like doing magic on the hoof. I find that anything created using the objects around you, or provided by your spectators adds a little something extra. They know it’s not gimmicked or rigged, as it’s their stuff you’re using. It’s also a great way to save money. You don’t need to spend tens, hundreds or even thousands of pounds on specialist equipment. Instead you can just use the items lying around.

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Paul ReganComment
Magic. It's Hard Work

I’m an okay magician.

No, to put it bluntly I’m an exceptional magician. When you perform alongside some of the best close-up guys that the Magic Circle have to offer but members of the audience tell you ‘you were my favourite’ you’re definitely doing something right. But I’m really not good at the organisational aspects of this job.

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Paul ReganComment
In Which I Insult All Potential Future Clients

On Friday I enjoyed one of the most amazing nights of entertainment in my life. I was fortunate enough to see the Muppets take the O2. It was glorious, truly glorious. Not only were the whole gang there, they had amazing guest stars. The guest star, Bobby Moynihan, though a regular on American TV, isn’t all that well known here in the UK. However, the cameo appearances we’re quite extraordinary. 

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Makeing Magic

Unlike so many of my fellow magicians, my love for magic didn’t start with a box bought for me on my 9th birthday, by seeing a live magician at a party, or when I watch, wide eyes, a super-star magician on TV. No, I trace my love of magic back to movies.

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Looking for the Magic

Last night, at a gig, a trick of mine went wrong.

It happens. In this particular case it was a trick I don’t often perform and so, back tracking it, there was one moment when I was clearing the table and didn’t have my eyes on the volunteers. If, as I suspect, it was at that moment they shuffled the deck – which absolutely can happen even just through habit – then that would explain when I smugly flipped over cards it all became a bit of a nightmare.

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Clothes Maketh

The sun is coming out far more often and yesterday, despite wearing a light, linin suit, after my second gig of the day the tie I had around my neck was literally damp to the touch. So why was I wearing a tie and three piece whilst working in a hot environment, with sparklers, dancing, and plenty of people?

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Paul ReganComment
I Give Up

I’ve never spoken about mental health in this blog. That’s because I’ve always seen this as a way of talking to potential clients, and who wants’ to hear about a magicians problems? Who’s going to hire someone for their wedding when they’ve spoken about depression and suicide? But today, thinking about it, I realised that in not talking about it here, I’m not being true to myself as a magician.

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